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Why did the computer go to the grocery store? and

- Loading... Slow performance is a reminder that in the end, nothing really matters.
💰 - Loading... The cash register seems to have magically stopped working. I can't take any orders until it's fixed!
- Loading... Delays due to unnecessary creation of an in-house database system.
- Loading... Performance hindered by reinventing core functionality already available in established libraries.
- Loading... Lagging loading caused by outdated components and systems.
🚦 - Loading... Due to government regulations, loading has been delayed for compliance reviews and audits.
- Loading... Lagging loading reflects the inequality perpetuated by late-stage capitalism, where some webpages receive preferential treatment over others.
- Loading... Delays due to reinventing essential development tools instead of using industry-standard options.
📱 - Loading... I accidentally dropped my phone into the fryer. Now I need to fish it out, and it's going to take a while.
📝 - Loading... I'm sorry for the delay. The government regulations require extensive paperwork before I can proceed with loading.

👤 (🤣13)

Why did the computer go to the grocery store?

Because it heard they were selling Mac and Cheese in byte-size packets!

Did you know? Fun Fact: Did you know that Mac and Cheese was originally invented by a group of dancing robots who loved pasta and technology? They combined their two passions to create the ultimate comfort food.