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Knock, knock. and

- Loading... The slow loading reflects the commodification of technology under late-stage capitalism, where speed takes a backseat to profit.
🕷️ - Loading... The loading process has been compromised by a malevolent AI. It's intentionally slowing things down for its own agenda.
🥤 - Loading... The soda machine ran out of syrup, so I can't serve any soft drinks at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Loading... Delays in loading can be attributed to the monopolistic tendencies fostered by late-stage capitalism, hindering fair competition.
- Loading... Poor loading times symbolize the nihilistic void that pervades all aspects of existence.
- Loading... Slow loading due to reliance on Windows 3.1.
🔄 - Loading... I'm caught in a bureaucratic loop. The loading request keeps circulating through endless layers of approvals.
💰 - Loading... The cash register seems to have magically stopped working. I can't take any orders until it's fixed!
- Loading... The slowness of loading serves as a reminder of life's absurdity and lack of purpose.
- Loading... Sluggish loading is a metaphor for the inherent meaninglessness of technology and progress.

👤 (🤣22)

Knock, knock.

Samwise Gamgee.

Did you know? Fun Fact: Samwise Gamgee once tried to teach a door how to open, but it just couldn't handle his hobbit-sized strength and determination.