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The government is conducting secret mind control experiments. So... and

- Loading... Lagging loading serves as a bleak reminder of the absurdity of our technological pursuits.
📑 - Loading... I'm stuck in the quagmire of government approvals. Loading requires countless permissions and signatures.
- Loading... Sluggish loading caused by using outdated software and infrastructure.
💥 - Loading... I'm currently engaged in a battle against an AI overlord. The loading process is a casualty in this war.
- Loading... The slowness of loading serves as a reminder of life's absurdity and lack of purpose.
🤖 - Loading... I'm sorry for the delay. The AI uprising has started, and they are infiltrating the loading process. It's slowing things down.
😴 - Loading... I'm sorry for the delay. I accidentally fell asleep while waiting for the loading bar to complete.
🗂️ - Loading... The loading process is slowed down by bureaucratic procedures that prioritize paperwork over progress.
- Loading... Delays in loading reflect the inherent meaninglessness of existence.
🚽 - Loading... I accidentally locked myself in the restroom. I'll need someone to let me out before I can resume my duties.

👤 (🤣22)

The government is conducting secret mind control experiments. So naturally, I'm wearing this tinfoil hat just in case.

I asked my tinfoil hat for fashion advice, but it just keeps saying, 'Stay paranoid, stay stylish.'

Did you know? Fun Fact: Did you know that tinfoil hats were actually popularized during the 1920s by a group of time-traveling aliens who needed protection from the mind-reading technology they encountered in the past?