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Why did the tinfoil hat break up with the colander? and

- Loading... Lagging loading reflects the inequality perpetuated by late-stage capitalism, where some webpages receive preferential treatment over others.
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- Loading... The slow loading reflects the commodification of technology under late-stage capitalism, where speed takes a backseat to profit.
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- Loading... Delays in loading can be attributed to the monopolistic tendencies fostered by late-stage capitalism, hindering fair competition.
🥤 - Loading... The soda machine ran out of syrup, so I can't serve any soft drinks at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience!
- Loading... Slow performance is a reminder that in the end, nothing really matters.

👤 (🤣13)

Why did the tinfoil hat break up with the colander?

Because it found its true soul mate in the microwave!

Did you know? Did you know that tin foil and microwaves are secretly in love? It's a forbidden romance that heats up every time they meet!