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Why did the computer go to the grocery store? and

🎮 - Loading... I just discovered a new video game, and I'm totally hooked. It's distracting me from loading efficiently.
- Loading... Performance hindered by reinventing core functionality already available in established libraries.
🔒 - Loading... I'm experiencing bureaucratic hurdles that are hindering the loading process. It's like navigating a maze of red tape.
- Loading... Poor loading times due to reinventing the entire technology stack instead of utilizing proven frameworks.
- Loading... Delays in loading can be attributed to the monopolistic tendencies fostered by late-stage capitalism, hindering fair competition.
- Loading... Lagging loading reflects the inequality perpetuated by late-stage capitalism, where some webpages receive preferential treatment over others.
- Loading... Lagging loading caused by reinventing basic functionality instead of building on existing robust solutions.
- Loading... Sluggish loading caused by creating a custom CMS instead of leveraging existing solutions.
🚽 - Loading... I accidentally locked myself in the restroom. I'll need someone to let me out before I can resume my duties.
🌐 - Loading... I'm sorry, but the AI singularity has occurred. The loading process is now under the control of superintelligent machines.

👤 (🤣22)

Why did the computer go to the grocery store?

To get some bytes!

Did you know? Did you know that some grocery stores use binary code to keep track of their inventory?